Andrzej Suwara

Is Your Hand Sanitizer Really Effective?

What are private label cosmetics?

One of the most popular sanitizers - Purell

While, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the best way to avert the spread of infections including coronavirus disease is by washing your hands with plain soap and water for at least 20 seconds, when on the go it is not always an available nor comfortable option. In such scenarios it is advisable to go for the second-best choice - that is, hand sanitizer. As we all know, the drug stores teem with many different types of this product but how can one be sure that they had picked the right one? Having read this article, you will have no doubts anymore.

Active ingredient

First off, check what active ingredient your hand sanitizer contains. CDC recommends ethanol as the first choice to opt for whilst the second allowed active ingredient is called isopropyl alcohol. At the same time, the former term may also go as simple “alcohol” or “ethyl alcohol” on the ingredient list. Being dangerous toxins, methanol, and 1 - propanol are not permitted for human use. Simultaneously, alcohol-free hand sanitizers have not been proven considerably effective.

The second pivotal thing to look over is the product’s alcohol concentration. In agreement with the official guidelines, it should amount to at least 60% while 70% is ideal. Any values under that will not provide protection.

There are also hand sanitizers containing 90% of ethanol, which might be extremely quick to kill viruses but we need to make sure those don't sear our skin.

Can you make your own sanitizer?

Knowing the above-presented rules, many may try to make their own alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Alas, it is not the best idea - untested products do not seem to bring about desired effects as well as put one at a greater risk of skin burns and irritation. The same goes for adding alcohol to an alcohol-free product yourself.

Sanitizer's storage recommendation

Lastly, make sure that your hand sanitizer is not expired or stored in an overly high temperature - about 40°C is the limit, but we suggest to store it below 25°C. Namely, you should not leave it for long in your car in the summer.


All in all, every mentioned factor vastly contributes to the effectiveness of your hand sanitizer. Before buying one, make certain that each of them is on point.

Recommended brands

Amongst many different products at the market, you can choose from more popular solutions such as Dettol, Purell, Carex or Medisept hand sanitizers or other, cosmetic-grade products such as Alpinus Medica, ViralStop, Floslek, or Clean Hands.

Private label sanitizers

In recent years we have tested over 50 different sanitizing products and developed an entire procedure of what makes good sanitizer. We also develop private label sanitizers projects for our Clients.

In case you also look for wholesale sanitizers or wish to create your own brand of innovative cleaning and disinfecting products, make sure to test out our tailored solutions and order your Cleansery Welcome Pack. Head to Contact page.

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What are private label cosmetics?

Cons of white label cosmetics Some of the disadvantages of having a white label cosmetics business include: You don’t have ownership of the formulation Your product line won’t be unique – there may be many brands selling the exact same product You can’t change the formulation or choose v
Key takeaways
  • You don’t have ownership of the formulation
  • Your product line won’t be unique – there may be many brands selling the exact same product
  • You can’t change the formulation or choose what it looks or feels like
  • Customers can feel betrayed if they find out your product is not unique so you have to align this kind of product launch with your brand values and buyer personas
What Are Private Label Cosmetics and Why Are They The Best Choice For Cosmetics Companies?

What are private label cosmetics?

What are private label cosmetics?

Cons of white label cosmeticome of the disadvantages of having a white label cosmetics business include:You don’t have ownership of the formulationYour product line won’t be unique – there may be many brands selling the exact same product You can’t change the formulation or choose what it looks or feels like Customers can feel betrayed if they find out your product is not unique so you have to align this kind of product launch with your brand values and buyer personas

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