Política de privacidad y
Política de cookies
El uso del sitio web https://cleansery.com/ implica la aceptación de los siguientes términos de la Política de Privacidad y Política de Cookies.Como Usuario, por favor, lea sus disposiciones. El siguiente índice te ayudará a ello. Te informo de cómo cuido los datos de los Usuarios, cómo los trato, a quién se los confío y muchas otras cuestiones importantes relacionadas con los datos personales.




La presente Política de Privacidad y Política de Cookies define las normas para el tratamiento y protección de los datos personales facilitados por los Usuarios y las Cookies, así como otras tecnologías que aparecen en el sitio web https://cleansery.com/

El administrador del sitio web y de los datos personales transferidos dentro del mismo es Cleansery Sp. z o. o con domicilio social en 30-554 Cracovia, ul. Closed 10/1.5, inscrita en el Registro de Empresarios del Registro Nacional de Tribunales con el número KRS: 0000988474 NIP 6793246399, REGON 522889239, capital social por importe de 10.000 PLN, de conformidad con la información correspondiente al extracto actual del Registro de Empresarios que figura en la Información Central del Registro Nacional de Tribunales, representada por Andrzej Suwara - Presidente del Consejo de Administración,

Nos preocupamos por la seguridad de los datos personales y la privacidad del Usuario del Sitio Web. Nos alegramos de que haya visitado mi Sitio Web. Si tiene alguna duda con respecto a las disposiciones de esta Política de Privacidad y Política de Cookies, póngase en contacto con el Administrador a través del correo electrónico: info@cleansery.com

El Administrador se reserva el derecho de realizar cambios en la política de privacidad, y cada Usuario del sitio web está obligado a familiarizarse con la política de privacidad actual. Las razones de los cambios pueden ser: el desarrollo de la tecnología de Internet, los cambios en la legislación generalmente aplicable o el desarrollo del sitio web a través de, por ejemplo, el uso de nuevas herramientas por parte del Administrador. Al final de la página encontrará la fecha de publicación de la política de privacidad actual.


Administrador - Cleansery Sp. z o. o. con domicilio social en 30-554 Cracovia, ul. Closed 10/1.5, inscrita en el Registro de Empresarios del Registro Nacional de Tribunales con el número KRS: 0000988474 NIP 6793246399, REGON 522889239, capital social por importe de 10.000 PLN, de acuerdo con la información correspondiente al extracto actual del Registro de Empresarios contenida en la Información Central del Registro Nacional de Tribunales, representada por Andrzej Suwara - Presidente del Consejo de Administración,

‍Usuario - cualquier entidad que permanezca en la página web y la utilice.

‍Sitio Weby/o Tienda Online - sitio web y blog ubicados en www.cleansery.com y www.cleansery.com/blog

‍Formularioo Formularios - lugares del Sitio Web que permiten al Usuario introducir datos personales para los fines indicados en los mismos, por ej.p. ej., para enviar un boletín, realizar un pedido, ponerse en contacto con el Usuario o con el Administrador.

‍Reglamentos - reglamentos disponibles en el Sitio Web, que definen las normas relacionadas con la suscripción al Boletín y la implementación del Servicio de Boletín.

‍Newsletter - significa un servicio gratuito prestado por vía electrónica, servicio digital, por el Administrador al Usuario mediante el envío de cartas electrónicas a través del cual el Administrador informa sobre eventos, servicios, productos y otros elementos importantes desde el punto de vista del Administrador y / o con el fin de lograr un propósito legalmente justificado El Administrador, que es la comercialización directa, incluyendo el envío de marketing y contenido comercial con el consentimiento del Usuario. Información detallada sobre el envío de la Newsletter se puede encontrar más adelante en esta política de privacidad y en el Reglamento Newsletter (www.cleansery.com/newsletter-policy).

- significa Reglamento UE 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016, relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos y por el que se deroga la Directiva 95/46/CE (Reglamento General de Protección de Datos ).

‍Ley de protección de datos personales - Ley de 10 de mayo de 2018 sobre la protección de datos personales (Diario de Legislación de 2018, punto 1000, en su versión modificada).

‍Leyde prestación de servicios por vía electrónica - Ley de 18 de julio de 2002 sobre la prestación de servicios por vía electrónica (Diario de Legislación de 2020, punto 344, en su versión modificada).

‍Ley de telecomunicaciones - Ley de 16 de julio de 2004, Ley de telecomunicaciones (Diario de Legislación de 2021, punto 576). a partir de finales de d.).


The administrator of the User's personal data is Cleansery Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in 30-554 Kraków, ul. Closed 10/1.5, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under the KRS number: 0000988474 NIP 6793246399, REGON 522889239, share capital in the amount of PLN 10,000, in accordance with the information corresponding to the current excerpt from the Register of Entrepreneurs contained in the Central Information of the National Court Register, representative owed by Andrzej Suwara – President of the Management Board.

The Administrator co-administers with social media platform providers, e.g. Facebook, TikTok, etc. indicated in this document, regarding the data of people using social media and following the Administrator's profile on a given social media platform and interacting with the Administrator. The rules of co-administration are indicated below for each social media platform on which the Administrator has a profile.

Providing data is voluntary, however, failure to provide certain information, generally marked as mandatory on the Administrator's website, will result in the inability to provide a given service and achieve a specific goal or take specific actions.The User's provision of data that is not mandatory or excess data that the Administrator does not need to process is based on the User's own decision and then processing is based on the premise set out in Art. 6 section 1 letter a GDPR (consent). The User consents to the processing of this data and to anonymize data that the Administrator does not require and does not want to process, but the User nevertheless provided it to the Administrator.

The User's personal data on the Administrator's Website may be processed for the following purposes and on the following legal bases: Entire table wit legal bases is linked here, starting page 5.

The User's provision of data that is not mandatory or excess data that the Administrator does not need to process is based on the User's own decision and then processing is based on the premise set out in Art. 6 section 1 letter a GDPR (consent). The User consents to the processing of this data and to anonymize data that the Administrator does not require and does not want to process, but the User nevertheless provided it to the Administrator.

Only data that the user provides is collected and processed (except - in certain situations - data collected automatically using cookies).

During a visit to the website, data regarding the visit itself is automatically collected, e.g. the user's IP address, domain name, browser type, operating system type, etc. (login data). Data collected automatically may be used to analyze user behavior on the website, collect demographic data about users or to personalize the website content in order to improve it. However, this data is processed only for the purposes of administering the website, ensuring efficient hosting service, or directing marketing content and is not associated with the data of individual users. You can read more about cookies later in this policy.

Data may also be collected for the purpose of completing forms available on the Website, as described further in the privacy policy.

Information society services
The administrator does not collect children's data. The user must be at least 16 years old to consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of providing information society services, including: for marketing purposes, or obtain the consent of a legal guardian (e.g. parent) for this purpose.If the User is under 16 years of age, he or she should not use the Website and the website www.cleansery.com.The Administrator is entitled to make reasonable efforts to verify whether the User meets the age requirement referred to above, or whether the person exercising parental authority or care over the User who is under 16 years of age has consented or approved it.

The user has the rights specified in Art. at any time. 15-21 GDPR, i.e.:
- the right to access the content of his data,
- the right to transfer data,
- the right to correct data,the right to rectify data,
- the right to delete data if there are no grounds for processing it,
- the right to limit processing if it was carried out incorrectly or without a legal basis,
- the right to object to data processing based on the legitimate interest of the administrator,
- the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority - the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection (pursuant to the principles set out in the Personal Data Protection Act), if he considers that the processing of his data is inconsistent with the currently applicable data protection provisions.
- the right to be forgotten if further processing is not provided for by currently applicable law.

The Administrator points out that these rights are not absolute and do not apply to all processing activities of the User's personal data. This applies, for example, to the right to obtain a copy of your data. This right may not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of other persons, such as copyrights or professional secrecy. To learn about the limitations regarding User rights, please refer to the GDPR.

However, the user always has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

In order to exercise their rights, the User may contact the Administrator via e-mail: info@cleansery.com or by letter to the address of the Administrator's place of business, if provided in this privacy policy, indicating the scope of your requests. The response will be provided no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the request and its justification, unless it is justified to extend this deadline in accordance with the GDPR.

If the User has consented to a specific action, such consent may be withdrawn at any time, which will result in the removal of the e-mail address from the Administrator's mailing list and the cessation of the indicated activities (in the case of registration based on consent). Withdrawal of consent does not affect the processing of data that was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

In some cases, the data may not be completely deleted and will be retained in order to defend against possible claims for a period of time in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code or, for example, in order to fulfill legal obligations imposed on the Administrator.

Each time, the Administrator will respond to the User's request, adequately justifying further actions resulting from legal obligations.

User data may be transferred outside the European Union - to third countries.

Due to the fact that the Administrator uses external suppliers of various services, e.g. Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (Facebook and subsidiaries) hereinafter referred to as Meta or Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Airtable, Notion, Basecamp, etc., the User's data may be transferred to the United States America (USA) in connection with their storage on American servers (in whole or in part) as well as in other countries . Google and Facebook apply compliance mechanisms provided for by the GDPR (e.g. certificates) or standard contractual clauses for their services. They will be transferred only to recipients who guarantee the highest data protection and security, including: by:
a). cooperation with entities processing personal data in countries for which an appropriate decision of the European Commission has been issued,
b). application of standard contractual clauses issued by the European Commission (as is the case, for example, with Google),
c). application of binding corporate rules approved by the competent supervisory authority,
or those to which the User has consented to the transfer of personal data.

Detailed information is available in the privacy policy of each provider of these services, available on their websites. For example:
Google Ireland Limited: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=pl
Meta Platforms Ireland Limited: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation
Getresponse : https://www.getresponse.pl/informacje-prawne/polityka-prywatnosci
Notion: https://www.notion.so/Privacy-Policy-3468d120cf614d4c9014c09f6adc9091
Airtable: https://www.airtable.com/company/privacy
Basecamp: https://basecamp.com/about/policies/privacy

Currently, the services offered by Google Ireland Limited and Meta Platforms Ireland Limited are mainly provided by entities located in the European Union. However, you should always read the privacy policies of these providers to obtain up-to-date information on personal data protection. MailerLite may store some data in the United States or use service providers from that country, but the data is mainly processed in the European Union.

The User's data will be stored by the Administrator for the duration of the implementation of individual services/achieving the goals indicated in the table above, and:
a). for the period of service and cooperation, as well as for the period of limitation of claims in accordance with legal provisions - in relation to data provided by contractors, customers or Users,
b). for the period of talks and negotiations preceding the conclusion of the contract or provision of the service - in relation to the data provided in the request for quotation,
c). for the period required by law, including tax law - in relation to personal data related to the fulfillment of obligations arising from applicable regulations,
d). until an objection is effectively filed pursuant to Art. 21 GDPR - in relation to personal data processed on the basis of the legitimate interest of the administrator, including for direct marketing purposes,
e). until consent is withdrawn or the purpose of processing or business purpose is achieved - in relation to personal data processed on the basis of consent. After withdrawing consent, the data may still be processed in order to defend against possible claims in accordance with the limitation period for these claims or the (shorter) period indicated to the User,
f). until it becomes obsolete or becomes unusable - in relation to personal data processed mainly for analytical and statistical purposes, the use of cookies and the administration of the Administrator's Websites,
g). for a maximum period of 3 years in the case of people who have unsubscribed from the newsletter in order to defend themselves against possible claims (e.g. information about the date of subscription and the date of unsubscribing from the newsletter, the number of newsletters received, actions taken and activity related to the received messages), or after a period of 3 years of inactivity by a given subscriber, e.g. not opening any message from the Administrator.

Data storage periods indicated in years are counted at the end of each year in which data processing began. This is intended to improve the data processing and management process.

Detailed personal data processing periods regarding individual processing activities are included in the Administrator's register of processing activities.

The Site may contain links to other websites. They will open in a new browser window or in the same window. The administrator is not responsible for the content transmitted by these websites. The user is obliged to read the privacy policy or regulations of these websites.

The Administrator administers the User's data on the fanpage called Cleansery on Facebook (hereinafter referred to as the Fanpage).
The User's personal data provided on the Fanpage will be processed for the purpose of administering and managing the Fanpage, communicating with the User, interacting, directing marketing content to the User and creating the Fanpage community.
The basis for their processing is the User's consent and the legitimate interest of the administrator consisting in interacting with Users and Followers of the Fanpage. The user voluntarily decides to like/follow the Fanpage.
The rules governing the Fanpage are set by the Administrator, however, the rules for staying on the Facebook social networking site result from Facebook's regulations.
The User may unfollow the Fanpage at any time. However, the Administrator will not then display to the User any content from the Administrator related to the Fanpage.
The Administrator sees the User's personal data, such as name, surname or general information, which the User places on their profiles as public. The processing of other personal data is carried out by the Facebook social networking site and under the terms and conditions contained in its regulations.
The User's personal data will be processed for the period of operation/existence of the Fanpage based on the consent expressed by liking/clicking "Follow" the Fanpage or interacting, e.g. leaving a comment, sending a message, and in order to implement the legally justified interests of the Administrator, i.e. marketing its own products or services or defense against claims.
The User's personal data may be made available to other data recipients, such as Facebook, cooperating advertising agencies or other subcontractors operating the Administrator's Fanpage, an IT service, a virtual assistant, if contact occurs outside Facebook.
The User's other rights are described in this Privacy Policy.
User data may be transferred to third countries in accordance with Facebook's regulations.
This data may also be profiled, which helps to better personalize the advertising offer addressed to the User. However, they will not be processed in an automated manner within the meaning of the GDPR (having a negative impact on the User's rights and freedoms).

Facebook privacy policy: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation

The Administrator administers the User's data on the profile page under the name @cleansery_ available at the URL: www.instagram.com/cleansery_ on Instagram (hereinafter referred to as Profile).
The User's personal data provided on the Profile will be processed for the purpose of administering and managing the Profile, communicating with the User, interacting, directing marketing content to the User and creating a Profile community.
The basis for their processing is the User's consent and the legitimate interest of the administrator consisting in interacting with Users and Profile Followers. The User voluntarily decides to like/follow the Profile.
The rules governing the Profile are set by the Administrator, however, the rules for staying on the Instagram social networking site result from the Instagram regulations.
The User may unfollow the Profile at any time. However, the Administrator will not then display to the User any content from the Administrator related to the Profile.
The Administrator sees the User's personal data, such as name, surname or general information, which the User places on their profiles as public. The processing of other personal data is carried out by the social networking site Instagram and under the conditions contained in its regulations.
The User's personal data will be processed for the period of maintaining/existence of the Profile based on the consent expressed by liking/clicking "Follow" the Profile or interacting, e.g. leaving a comment, sending a message, and in order to implement the legally justified interests of the Administrator, i.e. marketing its own products or services or defense against claims.
The User's personal data may be made available to other data recipients, such as cooperating advertising agencies or other subcontractors servicing the Administrator's Profile, an IT service, a virtual assistant, if contact occurs outside Instagram.
The User's other rights are described in this Privacy Policy.
User data may be transferred to third countries in accordance with Instagram's regulations.
This data may also be profiled, which helps to better personalize the advertising offer addressed to the User. However, they will not be processed in an automated manner within the meaning of the GDPR (having a negative impact on the User's rights and freedoms).
Instagram privacy policy: https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875

The Administrator administers the User's data on the profile page under the name Cleansery available at the URL: https://www.linkedin.com/company/65461676/ on LinkedIn (hereinafter referred to as Profile).
The User's personal data provided on the Profile will be processed for the purpose of administering and managing the Profile, communicating with the User, interacting, directing marketing content to the User and creating a Profile community.
The basis for their processing is the User's consent and the legitimate interest of the administrator consisting in interacting with Users and Profile Followers. The User voluntarily decides to like/follow the Profile.
The rules governing the Profile are set by the Administrator, however, the rules for staying on the LinkedIn social networking site result from LinkedIn's regulations.The User may unfollow the Profile at any time. However, the Administrator will not then display to the User any content from the Administrator related to the Profile.
The Administrator sees the User's personal data, such as name, surname or general information, which the User places on their profiles as public. The processing of other personal data is carried out by the LinkedIn social networking site and under the terms and conditions contained in its regulations.
The User's personal data will be processed for the period of maintaining/existence of the Profile based on the consent expressed by liking/clicking "Follow" the Profile or interacting, e.g. leaving a comment, sending a message, and in order to implement the legally justified interests of the Administrator, i.e. marketing its own products or services or defense against claims.
The User's personal data may be made available to other data recipients, such as the LinkedIn portal, cooperating advertising agencies or other subcontractors servicing the Administrator's Profile, an IT service, a virtual assistant, if contact occurs outside the LinkedIn portal.
The User's other rights are described in this Privacy Policy.
User data may be transferred to third countries in accordance with LinkedIn's regulations.
This data may also be profiled, which helps to better personalize the advertising offer addressed to the User. However, they will not be processed in an automated manner within the meaning of the GDPR (having a negative impact on the User's rights and freedoms).

LinkedIn privacy policy: https://pl.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy

The User's personal data is stored and protected with due care, in accordance with the Administrator's implemented internal procedures. The Administrator processes information about the User using appropriate technical and organizational measures that meet the requirements of generally applicable law, in particular the provisions on the protection of personal data. These measures are primarily intended to protect Users' personal data against access by unauthorized persons.

In particular, access to Users' personal data is available only to authorized persons who are obliged to keep this data secret or entities entrusted with the processing of personal data on the basis of a separate data entrustment agreement.

At the same time, the User should exercise due diligence in securing his/her personal data transmitted via the Internet, in particular not disclosing his/her login data to third parties, using anti-virus protection and updating the software.

The Administrator informs that he uses the services of external entities. Entities entrusted with the processing of personal data (such as courier companies, companies intermediating in electronic payments, companies offering accounting services, companies enabling the sending of newsletters) guarantee the use of appropriate protection and security measures for personal data required by law, in particular by the GDPR.

The Administrator informs the User that he entrusts the processing of personal data, among others: the following entities:
Get response and SendGrid – to send the newsletter and use the mailing system
Google – to store personal data on the server,
Webflow – to create landing pages and collect leads,
ING Accounting – to issue accounting documents,
Notion – to manage the company,Google – to use Google services, including e-mail,
OVH – for the purpose of servicing the domain
Webflow – for IT support or IT management of the Website,
Other contractors or subcontractors engaged in technical and administrative support, or to provide legal assistance to the Administrator and its clients, e.g. accounting, IT, graphic, copywriting assistance, debt collection companies, lawyers, etc.

Personal data may also be made available to other recipients, including: offices, e.g. the tax office - in order to fulfill legal and tax obligations related to settlements and accounting.

Entities that process personal data , such as the Administrator, ensure compliance with European standards in the field of personal data protection, including standards set by legal acts and decisions of the European Commission, and apply compliance mechanisms also when transferring data outside the EEA, including: in the form of standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission, Decision 2021/915 of 4 June 2021 on standard contractual clauses between controllers and processors pursuant to Art. 28 section 7 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Art. 29 section 7 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/PL/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32021D0915&from=PL .

The Personal Data Administrator hereby informs that he has not appointed a Personal Data Protection Inspector (IODO) and performs the duties related to the processing of personal data on his own.

The User acknowledges that his or her personal data may be transferred to authorized state authorities in connection with the proceedings conducted by them, at their request and after meeting the conditions confirming the necessity of obtaining this data from the Administrator.

The User's personal data will not be used for automated decision-making that affects the User's rights, obligations or freedoms within the meaning of the GDPR.

As part of the website and tracking technologies, the User's data may be profiled, which helps to better personalize the company's offer that the Administrator addresses to the User (mainly through the so-called behavioral advertising). However, this should not have any impact on the User's legal situation, in particular on the terms of the contracts concluded by him or the contracts he intends to conclude. It can only help to better match content and targeted advertisements to the User's interests. The information used is anonymous and is not associated with personal data provided by the User, e.g. in the purchase process. They result from statistical data, e.g. gender, age, interests, approximate location, behavior on the Website.

Each User has the right to object to profiling if it would have a negative impact on the User's rights and obligations.

If you want to learn more about behavioral advertising, click here: https://www.youronlinechoices.com/pl/o-reklamie-behawioralna


‍The Administrator uses the following types of forms on the Website:

1. Newsletter subscription form – requires providing your name and e-mail address in the appropriate place. These fields are mandatory. Then, in order to add his e-mail address to the Administrator's subscriber database, the User must confirm his willingness to subscribe. The data obtained in this way is added to the mailing list for sending the newsletter.

Subscription/registration means that the User agrees to this Privacy Policy and consents to sending him marketing and commercial information via electronic means of communication, e.g. e-mail, within the meaning of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws .U. No. 144, item 1204, as amended).

By subscribing to the newsletter, the User also consents to the Administrator using the User's telecommunications end devices (e.g. telephone, tablet, computer) for the purpose of direct marketing of the Administrator's products and services and presenting commercial information to the User in accordance with Art. 172 section 1 of the Telecommunications Law (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 243, as amended).

The above consents are voluntary, but necessary to send the newsletter, including: to inform about services, new blog entries, products, promotions and discounts offered by the Administrator or third-party products recommended by him. Consents may be withdrawn at any time, which will result in the cessation of sending the newsletter in accordance with the principles contained in this privacy policy.

The newsletter is sent for an indefinite period of time, from the moment of activation until the consent is withdrawn. After withdrawing consent, the User's data may be stored in the newsletter database for a period of up to 4 years in order to prove the fact that the User has consented to communication via the newsletter, the User's activities (email openness) and the moment of its withdrawal, as well as any possible including claims, which constitutes the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).

The sending of the newsletter may be discontinued if the User is inactive for at least 6 months from the start of the newsletter service or from reading the last e-mail (sent newsletter). In such a case, the Administrator will delete the User's data from the newsletter sending system (supplier). The User will not be entitled to receive any messages from the Administrator unless he/she decides to subscribe again in the Newsletter subscription form or contacts the Administrator in another way chosen for this purpose.

The mailing system used to send the newsletter records all activity and actions taken by the User related to the e-mails sent to him (date and time of opening the message, clicking on links, the moment of unsubscribing, etc.).

The administrator may also conduct remarketing pursuant to Art. 6 section 1 letter f GDPR (legitimate interest of the administrator, consisting in the promotion and advertising of services addressed to people subscribed to the newsletter, in such a way that the e-mail addresses of subscribers are uploaded to the marketing tool offered by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, the so-called advertising manager, and then they are directed to an advertisement created by the Administrator or authorized persons, through the Administrator's advertising account, provided that the newsletter subscribers are also users of the Facebook platform (they have an account set up there). Each time, this data is deleted after the end of the advertising campaign. In the event of another advertising campaign, an updated database of subscribers is uploaded to the tool). Detailed information about the so-called groups of non-standard recipients, the rules for hashing data and processing this data can be found in the Facebook privacy policy at this link https://www.facebook.com/legal/terms/customaudience# and https://www.facebook.com/legal/ terms/dataprocessing , and the Administrator recommends that each User and subscriber read these rules.

2. Contact form – allows you to send a message to the Administrator and contact him electronically. Personal data in the form of name, surname, e-mail address and data provided in the message are processed by the Administrator in accordance with this Privacy Policy in order to contact the User.

After completing contact with you, the data may be archived, which is the legitimate interest of the Administrator. The administrator is unable to determine the exact archiving period and therefore the deletion of messages. However, the maximum period will not be longer than the limitation periods for claims under the law.

The Administrator may entrust the processing of personal data to third parties without the User's separate consent (based on an entrustment agreement). Data obtained from the forms cannot be transferred to third parties.

If the User uses the services of external providers, such as Google or Disquis, he or she should read their privacy policies, available from the providers of these services, on their websites.



‍1El contenido presentado en el Sitio Web no constituye asesoramiento o consejo especializado (por ejemplo, educativo) y no se refiere a una situación de hecho específica. Si el Usuario desea obtener ayuda en un asunto concreto, deberá ponerse en contacto con la persona autorizada para prestar dicho asesoramiento o con el Administrador utilizando los datos de contacto facilitados. El Administrador no es responsable del uso del contenido del Sitio Web ni de las acciones u omisiones que se realicen en base al mismo.Al

2. l contenido publicado en el Sitio Web está sujeto a los derechos de autor de personas concretas y/o del Administrador (por ejemplo, fotos, textos, otros materiales, etc.). El Administrador no consiente la copia total o parcial de estos contenidos sin su consentimiento expreso y previo.

3. El Administrador informa al Usuario de que cualquier difusión de los contenidos puestos a disposición por el Administrador constituye una violación de la ley y puede dar lugar a responsabilidad civil o penal. Asimismo, el Administrador podrá exigir una indemnización adecuada por pérdidas materiales o inmateriales de conformidad con la normativa aplicable.

4. El Administrador no se hace responsable del uso de los materiales disponibles en el sitio web de forma ilícita.

5. El contenido publicado en el sitio web es el vigente en la fecha de su publicación, a menos que se indique lo contrario.


‍Para utilizar el sitio web del Administrador, es necesario disponer de:
- Dispositivos con acceso a Internet,
- Un buzón de correo electrónico activo que reciba correos electrónicos,
- Un navegador web que permita visualizar sitios web,
- Software que permita leer contenidos en los siguientes formatos, por ejemplo, pdf, vídeo, mp3, mp4.


Like most websites, the Administrator's Page uses the so-called tracking technologies, i.e. cookies, which allows the Website to be improved to meet the needs of its visitors.

2. The website does not automatically collect any information, except for information contained in cookies.

3. Cookies (so-called "cookies") are IT data, small text files that are stored on the end device, e.g. computer, tablet, smartphone, when you use the Website.

4. These may be own cookies (coming directly from the Website) and third-party cookies (coming from websites other than the Website).

5. Cookies allow me to adapt the content of my website to the individual needs of the User and the needs of other users visiting it. They also enable the creation of statistics that show how users of the Website use it and how they move around it. This allows me to improve my website, its content, structure and appearance.

6. The Administrator uses the following third-party cookies on the Website:
a). Facebook conversion pixel and ads created via the Facebook Facebook Ads portal (Facebook Custom Audiences) - in order to manage Facebook ads and conduct remarketing activities, which is the legitimate interest of the Administrator. The Administrator may also direct advertising content to the User via Facebook as part of contact advertising.

The Facebook Pixel tool is provided by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited. and its affiliates. This is an analytical tool that helps measure the effectiveness of advertising, shows what actions the Website Users take and helps reach a specific group of people (Facebook Ads, Facebook Insights). The Administrator may also direct advertising content to the User via Facebook as part of contact advertising.

The administrator may also conduct remarketing pursuant to Art. 6 section 1 letter f GDPR (legitimate interest of the administrator, consisting in the promotion and advertising of services addressed to people who have consented to sending offers (or people similar to them or to users who liked the Fanpage) in such a way that the e-mail addresses provided are uploaded to the marketing tool offered by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, the so-called advertising manager, and then an advertisement created by the Administrator or authorized persons is directed to them, through the Administrator's advertising account, provided that these persons are also users of the Facebook platform (they have an account set up there ). Each time, this data is deleted after the end of the advertising campaign. In the event of another advertising campaign, an updated contact database is uploaded to the tool). Detailed information about the so-called groups of non-standard recipients, the rules for hashing data and processing this data can be found in the Facebook privacy policy at this link https://www.facebook.com/legal/terms/customaudience# and https://www.facebook.com/legal/ terms/dataprocessing, and the Administrator recommends that each User read these rules.

The information collected as part of the use of the Facebook Pixel is anonymous and does not allow identification of the User. They show general data about users: location, age, gender, interests. The Facebook provider may combine this information with the information that the User provides to him as part of his Facebook account and then use it in accordance with his own assumptions and purposes.

The Administrator recommends that you read the details related to the use of the Piksel Meta (Facebook) tool and, if necessary, ask questions to the provider of this tool, as well as manage your privacy settings on Facebook. More information can be found at the link: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation and https://www.facebook.com/business/help/742478679120153?id=1205376682832142&_ga=2.140230195.1899084027.1676390445-251481724.16757 57116 . You can opt out of cookies responsible for displaying remarketing ads at any time, e.g. at https://www.facebook.com/help/1075880512458213/.

By using the website, the user consents to the installation of the indicated cookie on his/her end device.

b). Embedded Google Analytics code - to analyze Website statistics. Google Analytics uses its own cookies to analyze the activities and behaviors of Website Users. These files are used to store information, e.g. from which website the User came to the current website. They help improve the Site.

This tool is used under an agreement concluded with Google Ireland Limited and is provided by Google LLC. Actions taken as part of the use of the Google Analytics code are based on the Administrator's legitimate interest in creating and using statistics, which then enables the improvement of the Administrator's services and optimization of the Website.

As part of the use of the Google Analytics tool, the Administrator does not process any User data enabling his/her identification.

The administrator recommends that you read the details related to the use of the Google Analytics tool, the possibility of disabling the tracking code and, if necessary, ask questions to the provider of this tool at the link: https://support.google.com/analytics#topic=3544906 or read the privacy policy at the link: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=pl&_ga=2.64139695.1899084027.1676390445-251481724.1675757116

c). Plugins directing to social media, e.g. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn.

After clicking on the icon of a given plug-in, the user is redirected to the website of an external provider, in this case the owner of a given social networking site, e.g. Facebook. Then, you can click "Like" or "Share" and like the Administrator's fanpage on Facebook or directly share its content (post, article, video, etc.). 

The administrator recommends reading Facebook's privacy policy before creating an account on this website. The administrator has no influence on the data processed by Facebook. From the moment the User clicks on the plug-in button linking to social media, personal data is processed by a social networking site, e.g. Facebook, which becomes their administrator and decides on the purposes and scope of their processing. Cookies left by the Facebook plug-in (or other third parties) may also be placed on the User's device after entering the Website and then associated with data collected on Facebook. By using the Website, the User accepts this fact. The administrator has no influence on the processing of data by third parties in this way.

The above instructions also apply to the operation of:

Facebook – fanpage located at the URL: https://www.facebook.com/cleansery

Profile on the social networking site Instagram, located at the URL: www.instagram.com/cleansery_

d). Tools used to assess the effectiveness of Google Ads advertising campaigns - in order to conduct advertising and remarketing campaigns, which is the legitimate interest of the Administrator.

The Administrator does not collect any data that would allow the identification of the User's personal data. The Administrator recommends reading Google's privacy policy to learn the details of how these functions work and how to disable them from the User's browser.

e). Cookies used to recover abandoned baskets and User activity on the online store website,- in order to send advertising communications to the User related to an unfinished order, which is the legitimate interest of the Administrator.

f). Content from portals and websites of external providers,The Administrator may embed content from portals, websites, blogs and other websites of external entities on the Website. In particular, these may be videos from You Tube or Vimeo and sound recordings on SoundCloud.

These third parties may record certain data about the content played by the User.

If you do not want this to happen, log out of the given portal (if you have an account there and are logged in) before visiting my Website or do not play the content on the Website. You can also change your browser settings and block specific content from specific websites from being displayed to you.

By playing recordings available on the SoundCloud portal, you use the services provided by SoundCloud, which is an independent entity providing electronic services to the User. Details regarding the processing of personal data by SoundCloud can be found in the privacy policy of this website: https://soundcloud.com/pages/privacy and cookie policy: https://soundcloud.com/pages/cookies , as well as the regulations: https://soundcloud .com/terms-of-use .

g). Affiliate links and affiliate programs

The Administrator's Website may contain affiliate links to specific products or services of third parties. This is a way of monetizing content available on the Website, which is generally available free of charge. Clicking on the link will not result in any fees being charged to the User. If you go to an external entity's website by clicking on an affiliate link and purchase a product, I may receive a commission. By using the Website, you agree to the use of cookies in this regard.

Advertising windows with third-party products may also appear on the Website, as part of the so-called Google AdSense. The Administrator informs that he has no influence on the content of these advertisements or their appearance, which are determined by the provider's algorithm, in this case Google Ireland Imited. You can modify advertising settings and personalization directly from your browser by going to: https://adssettings.google.com/authenticated .

7. The Administrator again recommends reading the privacy policy of each provider of the above services in order to learn about the possibilities of making changes and settings that ensure the protection of the User's rights.

8. The website uses two types of cookies: session cookies, which are deleted after closing the browser, logging out or leaving the website, and persistent cookies, which are stored on the user's end device, which allows the browser to be recognized the next time you visit the website, for the period specified in cookie parameters or until they are deleted by the User.

9. In many cases, the software used to browse websites (web browser) allows cookies to be stored on the User's end device by default. Website users may change cookie settings at any time. These settings can be changed in particular in such a way as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the web browser settings or to inform each time they are placed on the Website User's device. Detailed information about the possibilities and methods of handling cookies is available in the software (web browser) settings.

10. The Administrator informs that restrictions on the use of cookies (disabling them, limiting them) may affect some of the functionalities available on the Website's websites and impede its functioning.

11. More information about cookies is available at http://wszystkoociasteczkach.pl/ or in the "Help" section in the web browser menu.


Cuando acceda por primera vez al Sitio deberá dar su consentimiento a las cookies o realizar otras posibles acciones indicadas en el mensaje para poder seguir utilizando el contenido del Sitio. Al utilizar el Sitio, usted da su consentimiento. Si no desea dar su consentimiento, abandone el sitio web. Siempre puede cambiar la configuración de su navegador, desactivar o eliminar las cookies. La pestaña "ayuda" del navegador del Usuario contiene la información necesaria.


1. El uso del Sitio Web implica el envío de consultas al servidor en el que se almacena el Sitio Web.
2. Cada consulta enviada al servidor se guarda en los registros del servidor. Los registros incluyen, entre otros: la dirección IP del Usuario, la fecha y hora del servidor, información sobre el navegador web y el sistema operativo utilizado por el Usuario.
3. Los registros se guardan y almacenan en el servidor.
4. Los registros del servidor se utilizan para administrar el Sitio Web, y su contenido no se revela a nadie más que a las personas y entidades autorizadas para administrar el servidor.
5. El Administrador no utiliza los registros del servidor en modo alguno para identificar al Usuario.

Fecha de publicación de la Política de Privacidad: 1 de diciembre de 2023
Fecha de última actualización: 06/12/2023
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Política de privacidad
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